I'll admit life seems to have become more stable for me. I can walk up the stairs on my own, and I haven't seen the gray box place in a very long time. One would think life would be pretty good. And it was. Until he came.
He comes over. A lot. And then he takes the lady. For HOURS.
Sometimes he stays over. They sit on the couch and watch the glowing box that makes noises. I like sitting on the couch so I jump up with them. But my lady likes to sit really close to him, and if I try and get that close too, they kick me off the couch. Sometimes they even throw me outside. I don't even have to go poop or pee, but there I am, outside.
Sure this guy tries to bribe me with baseballs and things, which is nice. But this is just becoming too much. doesn't he know that she is my lady?