Hey guys,
So it's been awhile, mostly since moving into the new house has left me devoid of internet up until now. But I'm back and better than ever. Or at least just as good. I can promise I haven't returned deficient.
So the newest thing that is happening is these little guys. This is the newest litter of rats from http://http://www.matrixratsrattery.com/
Two of them will possibly perhaps be mine maybe. I sound less than sure because I have been shuffled from litter to litter a couple times here. The waiting lists at Matrix Rats are long, because the pets are very high quality. Janine, the breeder, socializes these little guys from day one. She even takes months of each year to study and play with her rats, just to makes sure they are loved. I chose this rattery because I know my babies will be healthy and happy from the day I get them. Apparently everyone else in colorado and new mexico also chose them, so I have to wait my turn.
You all might not know these about me. Well actually you probably do since most of you actually know me personally, but... I am a crazy rat lady. I think they are just about the best pets a girl could ever get. They never bite. are trainable and cuddly, soft, and just plain adorable.
I'm personally hoping for the ones on each end. I'm crossing my fingers that four times is the charm. Otherwise, I think my nesting impulses are going to go into full swing and I am just going to have a baby.