Have you ever Googled yourself? Don't be shy. We've all done it.
My problem is what turns up when I do. Poetry I got published when I was in High School. Really terrible stuff. There is one where I actually complain about how I don't have a boyfriend. In a POEM. A poem NOT on myspace.
What were these publishers thinking? Sure it sounds like a good idea to encourage youth. Give them a taste of publication and they will go after it like dogs. It encourages literacy in the youngins too. Lets do it!
Except now I will be plauged with those publications for the rest of my life. They don't go away. Google remembers. Google always remembers.
"Oh I think I'll do a report on vastly famous Tamara. I liked her in my text book. Lets see what comes up on google. Oh look. It's a poem about boyfriends... how... mature."
Thanks for encouraging me while I was crap guys. Thanks alot.