Yeah Yeah it's been a while.
I've been away from the internet for a bit. But I'm back now, so we're reunited all jolly like. Several things have happened while I was gone. For instance, they took Dr. Horrible down from free viewing and since Joss has incredibly loyal fans, you can't see them through youtube. So thats sad.
On the plus side, I just bought my first digital camera of ever. So I will be treating you guys to pictures of anything weird I happen to see in the world. It tends to be a weird world, so I'm thinking there should be plenty. Tommorrow, I plan on treating you all to a virtual tour of my house since it is still pretty new and maybe you guys are interested in that kinda thing. Meanwhile, here is a picture of the cage my rats will be housed in when I get them this saturday.
I'm thinking of adding an aquarium to the bottom, but I have to think of the logistics of that before I do.
I am working at a call center for Directv. For the most part, it's an okay job. I work steady hours for reasonable pay, I get to sit down all day, and I am basically paid to talk. I like talking. It's pretty much my favorite thing.
There are better jobs out there, sure, but one thing keeps me going through the tough calls. One day somebody famous is going to call me. Edward Norton or Patrick Steward, or God if only Neil Gaiman is going to want to add HBO and I will be the one to do it for them. Oh man do I hope Neil Gaiman has Directv.