I think I want to marry a robot. I've weighed the options pretty carefully here, and I think this is the best idea I've had all month. For one thing, robots are shiny. This is a plus. They also speak in awesome robot voices, and from what I hear, are excellent cooks. I can program him to be good with the children. The best part is, if a nuclear attack strikes, I can just open up his chest and hide inside till it all blows over. Anyone who has seen the new Indiana Jones movies knows that this will work.

Next we have a image from Ray Frenden. I want to give this guy a hug. I suspect even metal men love hugs, and especially sad metal children...
Even though this robot by Bill Zeman is not a cuddly looking sort, he appears to appreciate an attractive woman, so I think it is promising.
Here is my final image for you guys. Roberto campus brings it home by bringing two classics together. It was inevitable.
Of course, if I can't manage to find me a suitable robot to marry, I might settle for a robot painting as beautiful as one of these to hang up on my wall. These guys are great, thanks for unknowingly contributing to my blog via the wonder of the internets!