Generally speaking, I like to keep things light here. I don't want to talk about politics or religion, or even my very exciting (read: not) love life. It's not what I am here for. But sometimes even I like to get serious.
I go out to eat a lot. Sometimes I treat. Sometimes a friend of mine will. We don't go anywhere fancy, and the bill only comes to about $30 a go. For about thirty dollars, I can feed a group of friends. It's not a bad way to spend 30 bucks.

But sometimes I think about things like the Heifer project. For that same 30 bucks, you can buy a bunch of chickens and those chickens can feed an entire family for years, even a lifetime. It's a pretty good value.
If you have some extra cash on hand, think about going here. You can go in on a goat for only 10 dollars, every little bit helps.
I know times are tough right now, and it isn't the best time to be asking you to give. But if you can, give it a try.

This entry was posted
on Sunday, November 2, 2008
at 10:08 PM
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