I need to talk to you about something serious. Very very serious. This is way more major than all the relationship bs thats cropped up so far, or swims around on my other blog.
I want to tell you about my worst enemy.
The traffic light left turn red arrow.=
I ask you, what is the point of this particular traffic symbol. I get the point of the green arrow, sometimes it is hard to find a gap to make a left turn. The green arrow is like a friendly crossing guard saying, "hey you, your wait is over, please go."
The red arrow is like his asshole brother who showed up to work with a hang over. He just stops you from going, for his own sick and bitter amusement. Sure you know no one is in your way right now, but the red arrow sits there blinking its mad, evil blink.
You can try to reason with it. Promise that you won't go when someone's coming. After all, you're not an idiot. You can see approaching cars. You know they are really steel death traps approaching and death speeds. You can wait your turn.
The red arrow doesn't listen to such nonsense. Your impatience only amuses him, and in his cold and lonely life, amusements are few and far between.