So I haven't wanted to jinx it by blogging about it before hand, but I have a new job. I'm no longer Directv's bitch. Now I am Allstate's bitch. On the downside, this means when Neil Gaiman's Directv breaks, I won't be there to answer the call. On the upside, I get perks like my own cubicle and more money, as well as a more 9-5ish schedule so it's probably a good thing.
Today was my first day. They spoiled us a bit with bagels, pizza, and cake. There are many ways to my heart. One of these ways is to feed me. With food. So Allstate is on my good list. At least for now, we're going to have to see what soul numbing thing I'll need to do when work starts before I know how much I like this job.
I'll keep you posted. Probably.