I've joined a baseball team.
Now you may be wondering, why Tamara? Why do you want to be a part of a baseball team when you have clearly have no interest in athletics of any kind. You don't watch sports, you're even glad to have a job that requires walking around so that you feel like you get some exercise.
I don't know the answer.
I do know we played our first game today and there was some drama on the field. Apparently we were placed in the wrong division and suddenly a church team peopled with less than amateurs and me, which is less than that were matched against a group of people who knew what they were doing.
It was embarassing.
Or at least it was for everyone on the field. For me, it was a sunny day with a slight breeze and an hour of reading time.
Oh right, thats why I joined Baseball. :)
I'm working on a new project.
I don't want you guys to think I don't love you. I do. You guys are the best. But... sometimes you need to expand.
Some of the things going on in my head right now don't really work with the format of this blog. Mainly that I am single and a little bit bitter about it. So I started a blog that would work a bit better. There is a link at the top of the blog. The Single Girls' Guide to Life. It's pretty much just about being single and a girl. If you are neither you might not be interested. But you might be. You don't know! give it a go.
Anyway, I am still going to post here, more regularly than before if I have anything to say about it. And I do.
I've figured something out.
Jarvis doesn't need a father figure in his life after all. So he is a Momma's boy. What's the problem with that? Lots of Momma's boys grow up to be upstanding citizens. And if he doesn't, well thats ok too, he will just keep me company in my dottage.
So I am going to strike it alone for a while. Cut the drama from my life and this blog. It will probably be easier to cut it from the blog than my life, because the blog is a constructed representation of what is going on with me, so I can put on it what I darn well please.
Of course, it might be difficult to strike it out alone. So I have come up with a plan. Or more accurately, I have remembered an earlier plan that I had before.
I Need to find a robot boyfriend.
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What else to say11 years ago
Follow Chris11 years ago
A Kick to the Nuts of My Feet13 years ago
a taste of adventure15 years ago