So I had a day of pride and joy. You see I was at Wal Mart and I bought some Reeses...
Oh wait, I'm telling this all wrong. You see, I was at Wal Mart because of my dog. Or more specifically because Jarvis vomited all over the TV CORDS. I had nothing to clean it with. My dog gives good presents.
So at wal mart I decided to suppliment the high powered carpet cleaner I bought with a treat. Reese peanut butter cups. Now, to understand the rest of this story, you have to get that I love Reese's. The perfect proportion of peanut butter t chocolate. The two bites it takes to devour each cup. I even like the way the chocolate sticks to that little rectangle of paper because then, when you are done with the cup, you still have a tiny bit left for savoring.
On my way out of the store, I opened the jumbo sized bag I had indulged in, and took at an individually wrapped morsel, ripped the plastic off with my teeth.
Then I dropped the unwrapped cup. Right on the Wal Mart floor. Where teamsters and greasy teenagers have tread.
And what did I do next?
I ate that reese's cup, what do you think?
I'm not sorry, it was delicious.