I think I'll name him Jack. Unless it is a girl, then I shall name her Button... or Guess. I haven't really decided.

I think I'll name him Jack. Unless it is a girl, then I shall name her Button... or Guess. I haven't really decided.
Seriously, who invented coffee?
So I haven't wanted to jinx it by blogging about it before hand, but I have a new job. I'm no longer Directv's bitch. Now I am Allstate's bitch. On the downside, this means when Neil Gaiman's Directv breaks, I won't be there to answer the call. On the upside, I get perks like my own cubicle and more money, as well as a more 9-5ish schedule so it's probably a good thing.
Today was my first day. They spoiled us a bit with bagels, pizza, and cake. There are many ways to my heart. One of these ways is to feed me. With food. So Allstate is on my good list. At least for now, we're going to have to see what soul numbing thing I'll need to do when work starts before I know how much I like this job.
I'll keep you posted. Probably.
I love Christmas.
This is Franklin, my Christmas tree. Franklin grew up on a lovely tree farm. Him and many other Fraser Fir trees like him were grown with special love and care so that they could be viciously chopped down and spread Christmas cheer to all. Two days after Thanksgiving, my roommates and I took Franklin home and made him all pretty. Picture courtesy of Ms. Angelina, who is handy even with my "special" camera and can get edgey shots like this without even trying.
My picture looked like this:
If you want to see an excellent family portrait taken from in front of Franklin, I recommend heading over to her blog, Visions of Mania, link to your right.
Now, hold onto your seats, because it is about to get controversial.
Carols are an important part of every Christmas season. And I feel one, a children's favorite, has been done a real injustice for years now. You know the one I mean, Rudolf the Red Nosed Raindeer. You may be asking, Tamara, what could possibly be wrong with a song that inspired not one, but several movies of decreasing quality?
The answer is nothing. Or it would be nothing if snot nosed kids didn't ruin everything. Lets examine the first line, skipping of course the introduction of Dasher and Prancer and so on.
"Rudolf the red nosed raindeer, had a very shiny nose, and if you ever saw it, you would even say it glowed."
A perfectly good line. I mean sure, one wonders why a red nose is so very shiny, but the movie clears that up pretty well. No, the problem is that after that, everyone wants to sing "Like a lightbulb!" only they don't sing it. They screech it. Then they smile like they are soooo clever. I know. I've done it too. These little additions to the song. Like Monopoly, Like George Washington (Our first president? thats really who Rudolf reminds you of?) They appeal to the snot nosed kid in all of us. But frankly, they are dumb. Rudolf doesn't need them. He is classic.
His song should be classic too, minus the screeching please.